Monday, December 2, 2013

its called thanksgiving.

okay... first off. I hope all your thanksgivings were as awesome as mine was. 
you may ask why i emphasized thanksgiving... well.. 
one of my biggest pet peeves is when people call thanksgiving, turkey day. 
turkey day!? that sounds so dumb.
are we five? no. 
its thanksgiving
the holiday is not about the turkey we eat, its about giving thanks to the Lord
 for all the amazing things He has given us. 
so from now on, lets get rid of the petty nickname. 
okay? okay.

my thanksgiving was full of time with my dearest family. 
because of conflicting work schedules we celebrated our family thanksgiving on tuesday.
my brothers, their wives and all their little ones came,
along with my parents and evan. 
yes. evan. it was so fun. 
my crazy family hasn't scared him away... yet. 

sister jam sesh.
on thanksgiving day my parents and I went over to my grandma's house for dinner.
i didn't think anything of the ringing doorbell while  in the kitchen
finishing setting the table with my aunt and grandma. 
i then heard dad's voice from the other room,
"sophie, someone is here for you!" 
what? uhhh alright. 
as i rounded the corner, there was evan. 
my dad and him decided to surprise me and have him show up without me knowing.

at precisely 7 o'clock that night i was off to the mall for my first day at work.
black friday. 
it was insane.. insanely fun!
it was awesome getting to work with evan and getting to know a lot of new people!
{thanksgiving also marked evan and i's one month as a couple.. so much happiness!}
needless to say, i had a great time. 
after getting off work at 12:30 am, ali met me in the food court for some warm midnight pretzels.
we then ventured into the craziness, attempting to get some christmas shopping done. 

after sleeping from 3 am until 8 am i was off to do some christmas baking with kim, evan's mom,
and one of my newer friends, the very sweet, taylor. 

because we were both sleep deprived 
which always means a fun time, ali and i decided to meet at si casa for some lunch, 
then venture into the swarms of people at target.
and yes it was fun. 
be glad you weren't with us, we were sooo embarrassing.
but that's what best friends are for, right?

that night kim, evan and i ventured to the beautiful city of ashland, oregon. 
friday night was their annual christmas lighting. 
while waiting for the parade to start we all ventured into paddington station, 
one of my favorite stores ever.
{i always end up spending wayyy too much time in there}
turns out, the tucker family enjoys paddington station almost as much as i do, 
and we ended up getting so wrapped up in all the adorable cupcake liners, 
christmas ornaments,
and different ciders 
that we missed the parade! 
we still had a wonderful time walking the crowded streets
 after grabbing some starbucks to keep our hands warm. 
overall, i couldn't of asked for a better thanksgiving week.
i am so thankful for my amazing family and friends. 
{this weekend i was also busy watching my friends fight for, and win the victory at state football, but 
i believe it deserves its own blog post.. so be watching for that!}

happy blogging. xo. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sophia! Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! My name is Heather and I was hoping you could email me about a question I have regarding your blog! Please email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
